51st Regiment

Public Boards => News => Topic started by: OriginalHobo on April 24, 2020, 09:29:37 pm

Title: Minden News #38: NCO Applications open once again!
Post by: OriginalHobo on April 24, 2020, 09:29:37 pm


Issue #38: "Stay at home and wash your hands"

Do you want to give that little bit extra back to the regiment? If you answered yes to that question, please consider donating to our Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/51stregiment). ;)

On another note, from now until next weekend - we are accepting NCO applications!
The 51st requires our NCOs to be active and dedicated members within our ranks who will put in time and effort for the benefit of the regiment.
If you want to take on some assigned duties and you want to put in in those extra hours for the benefit of the regiment, becoming an NCO might be for you.

We expect that applicants must be at least the rank of Regular.
The full list of requirements and what we expect from potential NCOs can be found on the application thread here (https://www.51stregiment.com/forum/index.php?topic=182.0).

To summarise:
• Minimum rank of Regular to apply for NCO.
• Submission window lasts one week.
• Apply via the forum thread here (https://www.51stregiment.com/forum/index.php?topic=182.0).

Any further questions about the role of an NCO or the application process can be directed towards any current NCO or Officer.

Grenadier Company & Artillery Company still recruiting - "Are you doing your part?" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ChklFjRT0E)
Think you have what it takes to join the Grenadiers and become part of our elite melee company?
Or maybe you would like to estimate cannonball trajectories for your gun crew to fire at in Artillery Company?

As mentioned in previous editions of the Minden News, Grenadier Company and Artillery Company have been recently established are still recruiting new members!
You can find the Grenadier Company and Artillery Company application posts, respectively, below:

• Grenadier Company - Application thread (https://www.51stregiment.com/forum/index.php?topic=1639.0)
• Artillery Company -  Application thread (https://www.51stregiment.com/forum/index.php?topic=1663.0)

If you have skills in melee or gunnery, do your part for the regiment and apply today!

Recent Melee Successes & More
Congratulations are in order to the 51st Groupfighting team, who last weekend beat the 63e, the final score was 15-4 to our boys.
The team on the day consisted of:
Tachang, James_Stukov, Jamster, HubblyBubbly, Steiner, Average, Hunter, Acez, Doge, Unc0nn3ct3d, Fortune, FireFork, Mark and Dengland

They're a fine example to behold and represent our regiment well in the groupfighting community!

Another member to be mentioned for his performance is VectorScope. He has been putting in a lot of work recruiting members for the regiment - be like VectorScope and get recruiting!
We really appreciate every new member and more members means bigger and better events for us!

Current Schedule:
Monday — Naval Battle — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Tuesday — Siege — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Wednesday — Training — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Thursday — Linebattle — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Friday — Linebattle — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Saturday — Game Night — 20:00 CET / 2:00 PM EST
Sunday — Bootcamp & Linebattle — 19:00 CET / 1:00 PM EST

And that's the April article for the Minden News.
Stay safe. Remember Minden!

Big thanks to our Patreon patrons (https://www.patreon.com/51stregiment)!
Hero of Minden: Copperfield and Nick Vogel
Platinum: Hunter
Silver: Jamster, Shady, Tachang, Ulfgrim, Whale_Scrotum
Bronze: Fortune, Kitty_DK, Stalker
Lead: Hobo, MarkvA, and Steiner

Title: Re: Minden News #38: NCO Applications open once again!
Post by: Fortune on April 24, 2020, 11:18:35 pm
I can't believe you hid such a wonderful video in a line people will possibly never think to click on!

Title: Re: Minden News #38: NCO Applications open once again!
Post by: VectorScope on April 25, 2020, 03:32:02 am
That video is pure gold. I might've woken up a neighbor or two with my laugh from that. Best thing I've seen in a long while, ahhaha!
Title: Re: Minden News #38: NCO Applications open once again!
Post by: James_Stukov on April 26, 2020, 12:34:31 pm
Indeed, a fine recruitment video. I will surely have fun showing this in 15 years when I become Puppy V2 to the new generation of the 51st.
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