51st Regiment

Public Boards => News => Topic started by: Deathstar on December 06, 2017, 02:19:04 pm

Title: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CET
Post by: Deathstar on December 06, 2017, 02:19:04 pm

This Thursday, the 51st will take to the seas in a Naval Event, scheduled to take place at 20:00 CET (http://www.inyourowntime.info/2017-12-07_20.00_Europe.Berlin) (click to convert)!

We used this week's Tuesday Training to give you an appetiser for what to expect. We would like to remind you that Thursday Trainings are cancelled and have been replaced by irregular events such as this upcoming one. So, brush up on your gunnery skills and prepare to set sail with us tomorrow! Be sure to show up 30 minutes prior to the event for some warmup and last-minute advise.

As always, there will also be the Saturday Public Linebattle held between 19:00 and 21:00 CET, as well as the Sunday Linebattle at 20:00 CET (http://www.inyourowntime.info/2017-12-10_20.00_Europe.Berlin).

Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Tinez on December 06, 2017, 03:06:09 pm
Copy that!
Definetely cannot miss this one!
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Athalos on December 06, 2017, 05:39:23 pm
Can't wait!
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Drace on December 06, 2017, 06:25:34 pm
Won't be around for this one I'm afraid, bois. Good luck, and 'member, don't load those cannons if you aren't in a firing position.
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: FireFork on December 06, 2017, 09:21:44 pm
I was born to be a sailor, let's do this böys
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Deathstar on December 06, 2017, 11:55:28 pm
I was born to be a sailor, let's do this böys

Seaman FireFork please report for duty on the poop deck :^)
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Fortune on December 07, 2017, 10:24:31 pm
Never go full ludicrous speed
Spoiler: show
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: WaylanderGR on December 07, 2017, 11:05:59 pm
Never go full ludicrous speed
Spoiler: show

yep i can confirm
Spoiler: show

Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Drace on December 08, 2017, 10:13:56 am
So, what the fuck happened there? Ultra spacetime compression?
Title: Re: Holdfast Naval Funtime on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ 20:00 CEST
Post by: Fortune on December 09, 2017, 02:28:48 pm
So, what the fuck happened there? Ultra spacetime compression?
Hmmm, it was more like some sort of quantum entanglement that caused a wave resonance. You see, when you start moving faster than the photons can be rendered you get a distortion due to the way the waves interact with quarks... I mean, polygons.
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