51st Regiment

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Messages - Freya

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hoffie
« on: September 20, 2017, 02:11:39 pm »

Thank you for your interest and application to the 51st Regiment of Foot.

Unfortunately, we must inform you that after reviewing the application that we are denying your enlistment.

Welcome back!

Edit: you changed man, you changed. I guess that saying really came true.

MAN?!?!? I guess you are going to see now what "triggered" really means :D

Damn I still remember you promoting me from recruit to cadet back in April (?) 2009.

"Yea you seem to be a decent player and you don't do funny things - company, salute... fire" something along those lines.

I meant every word of it Condoz, I really did  ;D

Don't worry about the ranks, apparently you can become a private just because you happened to kill your commanding officer once or twice ::)  Anyways, welcome back!

Oh right! Killing Stalker will be the first thing I do, MAJOR RANK HERE I COME!
Everything is loaded with double meanings now

Whatever it takes right?  :-*

Don't worry about the ranks, apparently you can become a private just because you happened to kill your commanding officer once or twice ::)  Anyways, welcome back!

Oh right! Killing Stalker will be the first thing I do, MAJOR RANK HERE I COME!

Hiiiii, I have been missing in action for some years, I got left behind on the battlefield and have been a POW of the froggies, BUT I HAVE ESCAPED!

I can't believe Harbinger is higher rank than me now, what has the world come to!!!!

Did somebody say Europa Universalis? Hearts of Iron? I'm always up for some grand strategy.

What else is there to say? I like purses and pretty dresses now.

Stab ya later!

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