Hello everyone! I just got accepted and i'd like to take this post and introduce myself.
My name is James, however you can call me Oplato, whichever rolls off the tounge easier. I'm a 20 year old from Oklahoma, United States and I've been an avid player of Mount&Blade and the Napoleonic Wars mod for a few years, alongside them i've racked up tons of playtime in games like Napoleon:Total War and Empire:Total War, along with being a big history buff when it comes to 17th - 19th century warfare. Especially American Civil War history. I've good knowledge of line tactics and battles and cannot wait to participate in the organization this group has.
IRL i'm a truck driver and I practice HEMA, which has lead to me to have so much free time to play so actively, haha. I suffered a shoulder injury and it required surgery. So you'll probably see a lot of me for the next few weeks while i'm recovering from the surgery.
With that said, it's great to be accepted and a part of this group. I cannot wait to partake and enjoy the fun this group will bring. Thanks for reading. :)